Sunday, September 23, 2012

The History and How to choose Ring Bearer Pillow for Wedding Ceremony

Ring bearer pillow is an important part in someone wedding ceremony. It cannot be neglected if someone decides to get married. Not only for western wedding ceremony, but also for any other cultures that using wedding rings at their wedding ceremony.
 Actually, how it goes? A ring bearer is usually a boy, a participant in a wedding, which charged to present the bride and the groom with their wedding rings, usually fake wedding rings. Often, a boy in this duty is a relative from the bride or the groom. However, it can be the best man. If the bride and the groom choose a boy to do this duty, he will carry the rings on a large and fully ornaments pillow. Ring bearer pillow has been a tradition in wedding ceremony until know.
The History of Ring Bearer Pillow
Ring bearer pillow tradition is starting in ancient Egyptian wedding in a long time ago. In Egyptian era, they displayed the jewels on a rare pillow during the wedding ceremony. Then, the trend of it spread in England, in Victorian era, and finally that tradition came to the entire world. For the first time, a ring bearer is calling in England as a pageboy. At that time, a pageboy has to dress a white lace collar and scarf, and he is carrying a prayer book along with the wedding rings.
However, that certainty does not exist again now. In modern era, the pageboy just wearing tuxedo likes the groom or the best man. The pageboy’s duty becomes important because just like the meaning of wedding rings itself, a new bond symbol between the bride and the groom as precious as their commitment to one another, so they use ring bearer pillow to handle their commitment symbol properly.
Some Steps in Choosing the Ring Bearer Pillow
After we already known about the history of the ring bearer pillow, we will see that there are some steps to do that tradition. It is interesting enough to be known for every person who wants to get married in the near future or for person who just starting dream of a wedding ceremony.
For the first step, we have to choose a child who will present this tradition. He should be approximately in 6-10 years old. He is usually accompanied by some flower girls who are around the same age. They will walk down the aisle together as part of the entrance ceremony. Second step, do not forget to pay attention in choosing the pillow, whether its color goes with the bride’s wedding dress or not. If the dress is white, it is better if we choose white also for pillow’s color. The third step is we have to determine in selecting the size of pillow based on the ring bearer. We should select the small pillow, which designed for carrying by a little boy; the larger ones will be fussing the little boy. Fourth step, make sure that our wedding rings are safe on the pillow. It means that the pillow comes with ribbon for tying the wedding rings on that. It can avoid the mishap if the little boy is not careful when carrying our ring pillow. In addition, if we cannot find a pillow that matched with our bride’s wedding dress, do not be panic. We just should coordinate that with something else like the flowers or even the bridesmaids’ dresses. May it can make perfect the ring bearer pillow.

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